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DINERWARE - TOGO Integration Guide
DINERWARE - TOGO Integration Guide
Written by ToGo Technologies
Updated over a week ago


  • Windows Vista or higher

  • .NET 4.5.2 or higher (to check what version of .NET Framework you have,

  • 100 MB available free space

  • If using Datacap/EMV, Dinerware or higher

  • If not using Datacap/EMV, Dinerware or higher

Before you Begin

  1. You will be installing the ToGo Integration Module (TIM) on the DinerWare Brain.

  2. Confirm User Account Control is completely off in Windows:

  3. Confirm Windows IIS is Disable or Uninstalled:

  4. Disable McAfee or Anti-Virus program. Web browsing protection can keep the host from connecting.

  5. Identify who will OWN getting the Dinerware ToGo live.

  6. Ensure there are no recursive menu items. Example 1: Item A has option 1 which includes A, B and/or C. Since it references the parent, it creates a loop. Example 2: Item A has option 1 with options X Y Z and one of those options has a sub-option with an option linked back to A.

  7. Ensure no Items are using Price Levels. Instead, use Choice Sets for price levels or sizes.

  8. Confirm the following is whitelisted:

  9. The surcharge and convenience fee options under Order Types in OrderCloud DO NOT integrate with Dinerware.

Part 1: Install TIM

  1. Download the TIM 2.5.1 ZIP file containing the TIM application from the following URL:

NOTE: If you are unable to download the module, please email to request access to the Google drive.

NOTE: This application can be used for multiple Dinerware ToGo installs. You simply need to change the location ID, security key, and endpoint address to be unique to each site.

  1. Un-zip the contents on the machine that has the Dinerware Brain by right-clicking on the file and select "Extract All."

  2. If the folder name is in green font after you un-zip the contents, right click the folder > Properties > Advanced > uncheck the “Encrypt…” option > Okay > Apply to all sub folders and files.

  3. Open and configure the following two files:


  • Update the “locationID” value by replacing the zeros with the ToGo Location ID provided to you by ToGo. NOTE: If you do not have a location ID, please email and request one.

Login to > click the Merchant > Manage Stores > click the Location > Admin tab. Select “Dinerware” under POS Integration. Leave all fields blank (you will fill these out later) and click “Save POS Integration Settings”. Refresh the page and go back to the Admin tab. Click the orange “Generate New Integration Security Key” button to generate a security key. Update the “locationSecurityKey” value by replacing “xxxxxxx” with the security key that was generated.

  • Open the Dinerware Brain and click "Show Pool View". Click “Copy” next to "External WCF" to copy the address. Update the “endpointAddress” value by replacing the address with the External WCF address.

Now configure log4net.config file

  • Update the tag value, “tim,dinerware, 0000”, by replacing the zeros with the ToGo Location ID provided to you by ToGo.

  1. Install and start the application. Right click on install-start.bat (which is found in the folder you unzipped) and select "Run as Administrator." If you do not see, "Run as Administrator," log into your Windows account as the administrator. Then simply double click the "Install-start.bat" file.

  2. Make sure the service is running, click the Windows button in the bottom left and search for Services. Click “Services” at the top. Find and click “TGO Integration”. In the left window, it will say “Stop” or “Restart” the services.

  3. If you ever need to uninstall TIM: Right click on "stop-uninstall.bat" (which is found in the folder you unzipped) and select "Run as Administrator." If you do not see, "Run as Administrator," log into your Windows account as the administrator. Then simply double click the "stop-uninstall.bat" file.

  4. The service runs using the local system account (this can be changed, if need be).

Part 2: Set Up Dinerware

Set up the following items in the Dinerware Workstation:

Create two new Sections called “Online Ordering” and “Web Delivery” by clicking Add Section

  1. Create a new Job called “Online Ordering”

  2. Go to: Manager > Jobs > New

  3. UNcheck "User can clock out"

  4. Check "Logs in and does not autologout"

  5. Select “Online Ordering” as the Default Section

  6. Enter “0” for Base Pay Rate

Create Revenue Center called “Online Ordering”

  1. Go to: Manager > Advanced > Revenue Centers > New

  2. Assign it the Online Ordering and Web Delivery Section

  3. Assign it the Online Ordering Job

Create a new Tender Type called “ToGoTech”

  1. Go to: Manager > Advanced > Tender Types > New

  2. Check “Active”

  3. Check “Allow Tip”

  4. Check “Rounding”

  5. Assign it the Online Ordering Job

Create a new Employee named “ToGoUser”

  1. Go to: Manager > Employees > New

  2. Create a Pin

  3. Assign it the “Non-Management” Security Template

  4. Assign it the “Online Ordering” Job by clicking Jobs and select “Online Ordering” from the left and click the right arrow so that “Online Ordering is in the right column

Create a new Item Group called “ToGoTech”

  1. Go to: Manager > Menu > Item Group > New Create a Revenue Class called “ToGoTech”

Create a Revenue Class called “ToGoTech”

  1. Go to: Menu > Revenue Classes > New

  2. Ensure multiple tax rates ARE NOT assigned

Create an Item called "COMMENT". If an item is ordered that does not sync with Dinerware, we will send it in the COMMENT item with the order.

  1. Go to: Menu > Menu Items > New

  2. Assign it to the ToGoTech Revenue Class

  3. Assign it to the ToGoTech Item Group

  4. Assign it to any Screen Category

  5. Assign it to ALL Printers

If the merchant offers delivery, create Items for each delivery fee/zone

  1. The price should be the delivery fee.

  2. Assign to any Revenue Class, Item Group and Screen.

  3. Additional steps in Part 3.

Clock in the ToGoUser user.

Part 3: Configure OrderCloud and Import Menu

This will confirm the integration is set up correctly in Dinerware.

  1. Select the Merchant > Manage Stores > select the Location > Admin tab

  2. Under POS Integration, select “Dinerware” from the dropdown. A pop-up window will display fields in which you’ll need to insert the following values. If Dinerware is already selected, click “Edit” next to Other Settings.

  1. Dinerware TenderType Name for Paid Orders = ToGoTech (or whatever you named the new Tender Type)

  2. Dinerware Section Name for Delivery Orders = Web Delivery (or whatever you named the new delivery Section)

  3. Dinerware Section Name for Take Out = Online Ordering (or whatever you named the new takeout Section)

  4. Dinerware User Name = ToGoUser (or whatever you named the new Employee)

  5. DO NOT ENTER A PLU IN THE “Comment-Only Menu Item PLU ID” FIELD. You will do this after you import the menu.

  6. Turn on (orange) “Exclude Tip from Payment Amount”

  7. Choose (dropdown) “Send to POS Immediately” to send orders as soon as they are placed. Otherwise, orders are sent at the pickup or delivery time minus the wait time. The wait time is configured in Order Types in OrderCloud.

  8. Click “Save POS Integration Settings”

In the Admin tab

Under Checkout Options

  1. Turn on (orange) “Allow Tipping” if you’d like customers to be able to add a tip

Under Accounting Contact Email

  1. Add an email address to send automated reports. Separate multiple email addresses with a comma, no spaces between email addresses, only a comma

If Merchant offers Delivery

  1. Find and open the delivery fee item(s) you created in Dinerware. Take note of the PLU(s).

  2. Select the Merchant > Manage Stores > select the Location

  3. Under Order Types, click “Add”

  4. Enter the fields requested

  5. Turn on “Apply Delivery Fee Pre-Tax” if the delivery fee items created in Dinerware are taxed

  6. Ignore “Send to Printer Immediately” as this only applies if they are using a ToGo printer purchased from ToGo

  7. Select the Merchant > Manage Stores > select the Location > Delivery Zones tab

  8. Select the Order Type, “Delivery”

  9. Click the polygon icon on the map. Then click the map to mark the first corner of your delivery zone shape. Click again to mark the second corner of your delivery zone shape and so on. Click “Save Changes”.

  10. Click “Edit Zone” in the Zone 1 you just created. Enter the Flat Fee as the delivery fee. Enter the PLU of the delivery fee item as the “Integration ID”. Enter additional delivery time (if applicable), which is added to the delivery time already entered in the Order Type. Click “Save Changes”.

  1. Select the Merchant > Manage Stores > select the Location > Location Home tab

  2. Under Order Types, click each Order Type and adjust settings like Enable Curbside, Allow In-Store Payments, etc.

  3. Under Menus, click “Add”

  4. Name the new Menu “Main Menu” and click “Add Menu”

  5. Click the Menu you just created. On the left side, click "Import from Dinerware." A few notes about Menus:

After you import the menu, find and open the item called "COMMENT". Copy the PLU and paste it into the “Comment PLU” field back under the POS Integration settings in the Admin tab

Once you have completed all these steps, please email to let us know the ToGo integration module is installed on the merchant’s machine so we can move forward with our installation process and complete the menu.


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