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POSitouch - TOGO Integration Guide
POSitouch - TOGO Integration Guide

POSitouch Integration Guide, new setup

Written by ToGo Technologies
Updated over a week ago


Windows Vista or higher, .NET 4.5.2 or higher, POSitouch 6.4 or higher (with the XML ordering module enabled in the key), and 100 MB available free space

NOTE: To check your version of the .NET Framework, go to:

Confirm the following is whitelisted:

* is https, so 443. (

* is http, port 80 (

* is http and https, so 80 and 443 (

NOTE: You will need access to OrderCloud Online, the Pos Driver, Posi Back Office, and Quick Menu with editing privileges to complete all steps of the configuration.

Part 1: Install ToGo Integration Module (“TIM”)

1. Download the TIM 2.6.3 ZIP file containing the TIM application from the following

NOTE: If you are unable to download the module, please email to request access to the Google drive.

NOTE: This application can be used for multiple POSitouch ToGo installs. You simply need to change the Security Key and Location ID for logging to be unique to each site.

2. Un-zip the contents on the Pos Driver by right-clicking on the file and select “Extract All.” (You know you’re on the POS Driver if SPCWIN is running on the machine.

3. If the folder name is in green font after you un-zip the contents, right click the folder > Properties > Advanced > uncheck the “Encrypt…” option > Okay > Apply to all sub folders and files.

4. Configure the application by editing the following two files. These are configured to pull orders from our PRODUCTION environment.


  1. Update the tag value, “tim,positouch,0000”, by replacing the zero with the ToGo Location ID provided to you by ToGo.

NOTE: If you do not have a location ID, please email and request one.


  1. Update the locationId value, “xxxx”, by replacing the x’s with the ToGo Location ID.

Click the Merchant > Manage Stores > click the Location > Admin tab.

Select “POSitouch” under POS Integration.

Leave all fields blank (you will fill these out later) and click “Generate New Integration Security”.

Click “Save POS Integration Settings”.

Copy the security key and update the “locationSecurityKey” value by replacing “xxxxxxx” with the security key.

Additionally, here’s a brief run-down of the configuration values you might also need to be aware of:

newOrderIntegrationDirectory – This is where Posi expects to find files with new orders. This is set to “C:\sc\xml\inorder\”

orderIntegrationSuccessDirectory – This is where Posi drops response files after they’ve been integrated. This is set to “C:\sc\xml\confirm\”

orderArchiveDirectory – This is where our process will archive the response files after they are all done. Our process will move the files from the orderIntegrationSuccessDirectory folder to here. This is set to “c:\Temp\PosiTouch\archiveSuccess”

workingDirectory – This is just a folder that our process uses to stage files. This is set to “c:\Temp\PosiTouch\workingFolder\”

Below the appSettings section, there’s another set of configuration values below.

orderIdPrefix – If there are other systems besides ToGo, to avoid order ID collisions, we can add a prefix to the orderId. (This change has to be coordinated with a change in the ToGo system, so do not change this unless you coordinate with a ToGoTechnologies representative.)

The service runs using the local system account. (That can be changed, if need be). It will need read/write privileges to the above directories.

Install and start the application.

Right click on install-start.bat (which is found in the folder you unzipped) and select “Run as Administrator.” If you do not see, “Run as Administrator,” log into your Windows account as the administrator. Then, simply double click the “Install-start.bat” file.

Part 2: Import QuickMenu or Send Menu W

  1. Any inventory item that needs referenced needs to be on a screen. Items that are part of set modifiers need to be placed in a cell on a screen. These cells do not need to be accessed by a human, so they can be in a screen over 100.

  2. The menu export does not include screens that are not on an active menu. As a workaround, create a new defined menu that includes all miscellaneous screens that are not on other defined menus. You do not have to assign these menus to a terminal, as nobody has to have access to them.

  3. ToGo does not integrate with price tables, so new items will need to be created without price tables before importing or sending the menu.

  4. Menu Clean-up: Consider what your menu in your POS would look like for a customer. After the menu is imported, ToGo can remove un-necessary items, move items into different menu sections/categories, add item descriptions, correct capitalization and remove abbreviations. We cannot, however, remove or add modifiers. That said, modifier groups should only include those modifiers that are needed for the particular item to which they are attached. Some restaurants opt to make a separate menu just for online ordering to ensure a pleasant customer experience.

  5. ToGo does not support menu updates for merchants using Menu W. All changes in Menu W will require manual updating in OrderCloud by the Positouch dealer or Merchant. See below for details on sending in Menu W.


  1. Select the Merchant > Manage Stores > select the Location > Admin tab

  2. Under POS Integration, select “POSitouch” from the dropdown. A pop-up window will display fields that you will complete later in the process. Click “Save Integration Settings”

  3. Go to the Location Home tab:

  4. Under Menus, click “Add”

  5. Name the new menu “Main Menu” and click “Add Menu”

  6. Click the menu you just created. On the left side, click “Import from POSitouch”.

  7. Notify that the menu has been imported.

A few notes about menus:

Menu Sections = Screens

PLUs for Items = Screen,Cell,Inventory#

PLUs for Modifiers = 0,Number

Alt Name = Name (displayed in brackets next to the name in OrderCloud).

To view the Alt Name for a modifier, edit the modifier and the Alt Name will appear on the right.

Price = Price 1

ToGo will detail the menu to make it customer-friendly, including adding item descriptions, updating item and modifier names, hiding modifiers, and reorganizing items into different menu sections—all based on the customer-facing menu provided.


  1. Open the Wexport Export Facility Screen by using the command prompt.

  2. Type “c:\SC>WEXPORT”

  3. Menu Items tab > Inventory Number tab > select the first and last Inventory Number > check all Menu Item Field Filters > click “Add Range”

4. Order Screens tab > Menu tab > select the first and last Menu > check all Order Screen Field Filters > click “Add Range”

5. Order Screens tab > Screens tab > select the first and last Screen > check all Order Screen Field Filters > click “Add Range”. Click “Export” and email the “SCREENS.xml” to

NOTE: Make sure Menu W is closed before you export so you get then entire data set.

Part 3: Configure POSitouch

Create a new Virtual Printer for web orders

  1. Go to: Back Office Setup > Hardware > Prep Printers > Locations and Types b. Click “Insert”

  2. Printer Number = the next available number

  3. Printer Name = “CONFIRM ORDER” or “CONFIRM/WEB ORDER”

  4. Click “Yes”

5. Highlight the printer you just created and click “Edit”

6. Printer Type = Virtual Printer

7. Click “OK”

Go to: Back Office Setup > Restaurant Misc Data > XML I/O i. XML Ordering = the Virtual Printer you just created

  1. Out of Stock = None

Do not change any other printers on this screen

Next to XML Ordering, click “Configure”

  1. Under “Input Folders”, enter “C:\SC\XML\INORDER”

  2. Under “Output Folders”, enter “C:\SC\XML\CONFIRM” in the same number as the input folder

  3. Click “OK”

Next to XML Services, click “Configure”

  1. Under “Input Folders”, enter “C:\SC\XML\IN”

  2. Click “OK”

Click “More Flags”:

  1. XML Order detect interval = 3

  2. XML Out of Stock Interval = 1

  3. Allow always = TRUE

  4. Click “OK”

To Turn on the Club Account Module

  1. Go to: Back Office Setup > Restaurant Misc Data> System 1

  2. Check “Use Club Account Module”

3. Go to: Back Office Setup > Acct, Club, Delivery

4. Check “Account number lookup searches ‘Notes4’”

5. Click “Continue”

6. Check the “Notes” boxes for “Print on Prep” and “Print on Check” to print special delivery instructions on the receipt and prep ticket

Create a new Payment for web orders

  1. Go to: Back Office Setup > Payment> Forms of Payment

  2. Ensure the settings are exactly like the screenshot below.

  3. Enter the “Payment Number” (ex. “10”) in OrderCloud (Part 4 below)

4. Add the new Payment as the Journal Name go to Payment > Sales Journal > Non-deposit Accounts > Entire House

Create a new Cost Center for NON-delivery web orders

  1. Go to: Back Office Setup > Restaurant Layout > Cost Centers

  2. Create a new Cost Center for Online Order

  3. If merchant offers delivery, create a cost center for delivery as well

  4. Go to: Setup > Payment > Sales Journal > Sales Journal Options > Cost Centers and increase the number of cost centers so that the new cost center(s) show in your reports.

  5. Enter the cost center numbers in OrderCloud (Part 4 below)

Create a new Table Number for web orders

  1. Go to: Back Office Setup > Restaurant Layout > Tables

  2. Enter the “Table Number” (ex. “888”)

  3. Enter the Table Number in OrderCloud (Part 4 below)

Create a new Employee for web orders

  1. Go to: Back Office Setup > User List > Employees

  2. Under “Empl. Status” check “Use POS w/out PunchIn”

  3. Enter the Employee number in OrderCloud (Part 4 below)

Create a new Memo Item - (cell type1) with a new Memo Modifier (cell type 27) attached

The order type (takeout or delivery), pickup/delivery date and time, customer name, customer phone, and payment are printed from Posi using this memo item and modifier.

Quick Menu

Add new Modifier

1. Click the Modifiers tab on the right > New

2. Name = TOGO MEMO

Major > Minor Category = whatever makes sense (ex. miscellaneous, all, other, food mods)

Modifier Type = (27) Memo-saved in checkfile v. Take note of the Inv. Item number as you will enter it in Part 4

Click “Close"

Add new Modifier Group

  1. Click the Mod Groups tab on the right > New

  2. Name = TOGO WEB ORDER

  3. Major > Minor Category = whatever makes sense (ex. miscellaneous, all, other, food mods)

  4. Search for TOGO MEMO Modifier you just created and drag it over to display as a button under TOGO WEB ORDER

  5. Click “Close”

Add new Screen

  1. Click “New” above the list of Screens

  2. Screen # = any screen above 100

  3. Name = TOGO WEB ORDER

  4. Click “Close"

Add new Item

  1. Click the new Screen

  2. Click Cell #1

  3. Name = TOGO MEMO

  4. Cell Type = “Main Item taxable”

  5. Major > Minor Category = whatever makes sense (ex. miscellaneous, all, other, food mods)

  6. Take note of the Inv. Item number as you will enter it in Part 4

  7. Click “Close”

  8. Click “Add” to add a modifier group

  9. Find the TOGO WEB ORDER modifier group and drag it under “Must Select”

If you would like have different print settings in Posi for the payment details (ex.subtotal, tax, and tip) create a second Memo item with a Memo modifier and enter the Payment Memo Item Number and Payment Memo Modifier Item Number in OrderCloud (Part 4 below)

NOTE: If you have a memo type 9 or memo type 27 with the same inventory number as a memo type 1 it will cause a temporary malfunction.

Create a new Menu for web orders


  1. Click “Copy Menus” at the top of the screen and copy existing takeout menu to a new menu.

  2. Click “Save & Exit”

  3. Highlight the new menu on the left and click “View Properties” to edit

  4. Menu Name = TOGO WEB ORDER

NOTE: If you put a non-alpha character in front of the menu name, the name will print large at the top of the ticket. Must flag, “Highlight menus starting w/ * at top of prep” under Back Office Setup > Prep Printouts > Options 2

  1. Jump to First Order Screen = TRUE

  2. Fast Order Cost Center = Online Order

  3. Misc Table Cost Center = Online Order ToGoTechnologies

  4. Set Regular Table Cost Center from Menu? = FALSE

  5. Cost Center = Online Order

  6. No Modifier Function = TRUE

7. Take note of the number as you will enter it in Part 4 below

8. Click “Close”

If using Quick Menu Enterprise you will need to edit the menu properties at the store/local level

  1. Assign Menu to each store

  2. Open Quick Menu Enterprise

  3. Tools > Edit Stores

  4. Go through each store on the left:

  5. Add the TOGO WEB ORDER menu

  6. Under Local # column, change the # to a high number, (ex. 30)

  7. Take note of the number as you will enter it in Part 4 below

Menu W

Print Menu name at the top of the prep ticket (optional)

  1. Go to: Back Office Setup > Prep Printouts > Options 2

  2. Check “Highlight menus starting w/ * at top of prep”

Part 4: Configure OrderCloud

  1. Select the Merchant > Manage Stores > select the Location > Admin tab

  2. Under POS Integration, select “POSitouch” from the dropdown. A pop-up window will display fields in which you’ll need to insert the following values. If POSitouch is already selected, click “Edit” next to Other Settings

Enter the information in the configuration fields

  1. Default Table Number = Table #

  2. Cashier Number = Employee #

  3. Server Number: = Employee #

  4. Payment Type Number = Payment #

  5. Memo Item Number = Memo item inventory #

  6. Memo Modifier Item Number = Memo modifier inventory #

  7. Payment Details Memo Item Number = Memo item inventory #

  8. Payment Details Memo Modifier Item Number = Memo modifier inventory #

  9. Terminal Number = Leave blank

  10. Menu Number = Menu #

  11. Cost Center Number = NON-delivery Cost Center #

  12. Turn on “Use the POSitouch Account Feature”

  13. If POSitouch is setup to issue the delivery fee as an “applied gratuity”, then turn on “Send Delivery Fee as Gratuity” and enter the gratuity number (this is not the gratuity dollar value). The applied gratuity must be a flat rate in POSitouch

  14. Turn on “Calculate Final Price from the POS”

  15. Add a percentage for “Percentage Over-Estimated Total for PreAuth”

  16. This is the percentage amount over what ToGo authorizes on the credit card prior to getting the actual total from the POS, if entered the customer will see two separate charges on their account, the pre-authorization will be removed based on the timing of the credit card issuing bank practices. Not putting in a % will cause orders to fail if there are any mismatches in pricing.

  17. Select when you would like orders to be sent to POSitouch.

  18. Click “Save POS Integration Settings”

Under Payments

  1. Turn on “Allow Tipping” (orange) if you’d like customers to be able to add a tip

Under Accounting Contact Email

  1. Add an email address to send automated reports. Separate multiple email addresses with a comma. Do not use spaces, separate only using commas

If the merchant offers delivery

  1. Select the Merchant > Manage Stores > select the Location > Location Home tab

  2. Under Order Types, click “Add”

  3. Enter the fields requested

  4. Turn on “Apply Delivery Fee Pre-Tax” if delivery fees are taxed in Posi

  5. Ignore “Send to Printer Immediately” as this does not apply. This is only for ToGo Printers purchased from ToGo

  6. Configure additional settings like Allow In-Store Payments

  7. Select the Merchant > Manage Stores > select the Location > Delivery Zones tab

  8. Select the Order Type, “Delivery”

  9. Click the polygon icon on the map. Then click the map to mark the first corner of your delivery zone shape. Click again to mark the second corner of your delivery zone shape and so on.

  10. Click “Save Changes”.

Once you have completed all these steps, email to let us know the ToGo integration module is installed on the merchant’s machine so we can move forward with implementation.


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