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FOCUS - TOGO Integration Guide
FOCUS - TOGO Integration Guide
Written by ToGo Technologies
Updated over a week ago


.NET4.0 or higher, 100 MB available free space (to check what version of .NET Framework you have,, and Focus version 19.05.14 or higher

Part 1: Prepare Your Menu in Focus

  1. If items are “Packages” then those items will not import from your Focus online menu. You will need to make regular items for online ordering

  2. Price 1 is the only price imported from your Focus online menu. If you use more than Price 1 for an item, then you will need to create a separate item for each price

  3. Add a COMMENT item to your menu Setup > Menu > Menu Items

  4. Add a new item called “!ONLINE COMMENT!” with the settings below:Add

5. Add another new item called “!ONLINE EXCEPTION!” with the settings below

6. Click "Save"

Part 2: Configure Focus

Create Order Types for online orders

  1. Select Setup > Order Entry > Order Types

  2. Click the first empty space (or number) on the left-hand list to select it

  3. Name = “Online ToGo”

  4. Order Type Charge Taxes = Check whatever is appropriate

  5. Configure the remaining settings per the image below

If offering Delivery online

  1. Click the next empty space (or number) on the left-hand list to select it.

  2. Name it “Online Delivery” and configure like “Online ToGo”

If offering Catering online

  1. Click the next empty space (or number) on the left-hand list to select it.

  2. Name it “Catering” and configure like “Online ToGo”

If offering Order from the Table online

  1. Click the next empty space (or number) on the left-hand list to select it.

  2. Name it “Online Dine In” and configure like “Online ToGo”

  3. Click Save

Assign Taxes to the new Order Types

  1. In Focus go to Setup > Order Entry > Taxes

  2. Select the tax on the left-hand list and check the Order Types you just created to assign the appropriate taxes.

  3. Click "Save"

Create a Location for online orders

  1. Setup > Locations > Locations > Locations tab

  2. Name = “Online”

  3. Revenue Center = whatever is appropriate

  4. Order Type = Online ToGod

  5. Take note of the Location number as you will enter the number in Part 3 (#2) below.

  6. In this example, “Online” is Location number 19.

  7. Configure the remaining settings per the image below

  8. Setup > Locations > Locations > Menus tab

  9. Select the “Online” location in the left-hand list if not already selected.

  10. Ensure all canvases you’d like displayed online are in the “Included Canvases” list.

  11. Ensure all modifier canvases that you’d like attached to items are checked in the “Go to Modifiers (Forced)” list.

  12. Configure the remaining tabs based on the preferences of the merchant. Alternatively, you can copy an existing location and then update the settings on the Locations and Menus tab.

  13. Click Save

Create Payment types for online orders

  1. Setup > Order Entry > Payments

  2. Click the first empty space (or number) on the left-hand list to select it

  3. Name = “Online Credit”

  4. Configure the remaining settings per the image below

Create a new Employee for online orders

Create new Job under Jobs tab

  1. Setup > Employees > Jobs > Jobs tab

  2. Click the first empty space (or number) on the left-hand list to select it

  3. Name = “Online”

  4. Location = “Online”

  5. Configure the remaining settings per the image below

Set Rights under the Rights tab

  1. Setup > Employees > Jobs > Rights tab

  2. Select the “Online” job in the left-hand list if not already selected and turn the following rights on (some may be on by default):

Under Time Clock

-Print Clock Out Chit

-Must Read Messages Before Clock In/Out

-Declare Tips

-View Time Card

-Print Time Card

Under Order Entry

-Checks – Display Total Before Service

-Checks – Edit Guests

-Checks – Reprint

-Checks – Select Location -

-Checks – Split

-Checks – Split After Print ToGoTechnologies

-Checks – Split Display Payments

-Checks – Split First Seat After Print

-Checks – Split Payments

-Gratuity – Remove

-Menu – Display Ordered Count

-Name – Enter

-Order Access – Access After Closed

-Order Access – Filter Checks

-Order Access – Display Sales Total

-Order Access – Quit With Open Check

-Order Access – Table Screen Restrict to Open Checks

-Order Type – Select

-Payments – Adjust

-Payments – Edit Tips

-Payments – Edit Tips Immediately

-Payments – Enter Own Tips

-Payments – Manual Credit/Gift Cards

-Payments – Preauthorize

-Payments – Tender Own Checks

-Ring – Own Checks

-Transfer – Automatic Pending

-Transfer – Combine

-Transfer – Employee

-Transfer – Employee Pending

-Transfer – Table

-Transfer – Table Pending

Under Reports

-Checkout Report – View

-Checkout Report – Print if No Open Checks/Tips

-Report Security Code

5. Click Save

Create New Employee

  1. Setup > Employees > Employees

  2. Click the first empty space (or number) on the left-hand list to select it

  3. Configure the remaining settings per the image below:

Configure Online Orders so employees can view “Paid” orders

Check Filters

  1. Setup > Order Entry > Check Filters

  2. Click the first empty space (or number) on the left-hand list to select it

  3. Name = “Online Orders”


-Active = “Active”

-Sort = “Table/Name”

Filter Options

-Check Status = “All”

Employee Options

-Employee Options = “Specific”

-Employee = Online Ordering employee


  1. Setup > Order Entry > Packages

  2. Click the first empty space (or number) on the left-hand list to select it

  3. Name = “Online Orders”


-Command #1 = Check v. Check

-Filter = Online Orders

4. Click Save

5. Place the Online Orders package you just created on a desired Canvas

Configure the Online Ordering Module

  1. Miscellaneous > General > nFocus/Online Ordering/Tabbedout > Online Ordering tab

  2. The naming of the tab may be different, but should contain “Online Ordering”

  3. If the Online Ordering tab isn’t present, upgrade Focus to a newer version

  4. Configure the Online Ordering tab with the settings in the screenshot below

  5. The Processing Station name may be different, but picking the first item on the list will usually be okay. NOTE: The Processing Station must be an order entry station, not a setup station.

  6. The names under Online Order Types represent the order type names in ToGo. These must match exactly.

  7. Once all information is added as shown below, click Save

Configure “Future Orders” Orders

Orders placed prior to close day for a future business date will be stored in the Future Orders folder. Future Orders must be configured.

  1. Make sure you have a FutureOrder folder in the Focus directory

  2. If you don't, navigate to Create

  3. Create Future Orders

4. Navigate to Miscellaneous > General > Credit/Gift/Loyalty/Customer > Customer

5. Configure the Future Order Settings as follows

Part 2: Install TIM

  1. Download the ToGo TIM 2.4.1 application from the following URL: NOTE: If you are unable to download the module, please email to request access to the Google drive. NOTE: This application can be used for multiple Focus installs. You simply need to change the location ID and endpoint address to be unique to each site.

  2. Un-zip the contents anywhere on the machine running the POS.

  3. If the folder name is in green font after you un-zip the contents, right click the folder > Properties > Advanced > uncheck the “Encrypt…” option > Okay > Apply to all sub folders and files.

  4. Configure the application by editing the following two files. These are configured to pull orders from our PRODUCTION environment.


  1. Login to > click the Merchant > Manage Stores > click the Location > Admin tab.

  2. Select “Focus POS” under POS Integration.

  3. Leave all fields blank (you will fill these out later) and click “Save POS Integration Settings”.

  4. Refresh the page and click the Admin tab.

  5. Click “Generate New Integration Security Key”.

  6. Update the “locationSecurityKey” value by replacing “xxxxxxx” with the security key and the “locationId” value by replacing ”0000” with the location ID.


  1. Update the tag value, “tim,focus,”, by replacing the zero with the ToGo Location ID

You should have been given the ToGo Location ID from ToGo or you can see in OrderCloud on the Merchant page on the location list Or if still unsure contact

Additionally, here's a brief run-down of the configuration values you might also need to be aware of

newOrderIntegrationDirectory - Directory where Focus expects to find files with new orders. This is set to "C:\Focus\onlineorders\orders\” • orderIntegrationSuccessDirectory - Directory where Focus drops response files after they are integrated. This is set to "C:\Focus\onlineorders\responses\” • orderArchiveDirectory - Directory where the TIM archives the response files after they are done. The TIM moves the files from the orderIntegrationSuccessDirectory folder to here. This is set to "c:\Temp\archiveSuccess", so you'll need to create this folder or change it to one of your existing folders.

workingDirectory – This is a folder used to stage files. This is set to "c:\Temp\workingFolder\", so you'll need to create this folder or change it to one of your existing folders, but first be sure to clean out your existing folder first. The service runs using the local system account (this can be changed, if need be). It will need read/write privileges to the above directories

Install and start the application

  1. From the command line (in the folder where you un-zipped it), type: ToGoTechnologies.Services.PosIntegration.exe install ToGoTechnologies.Services.PosIntegration.exe start

Part 3: Configure OrderCloud and Import Menu

  1. Log in to > click the Merchant > Manage Stores > click the Location

  2. Under Order Types section, click each Order Type the merchant will use and adjust settings like Enable Curbside, Allow In-store Payments, etc

  3. Click the “Admin” tab

  4. Under POS Integration Click “Edit” next to Other Settings

  5. Enter the “Comment Item PLU ID” from Part 1,

  6. Enter the “Location Number” from Part 2

  7. Turn on “Send to POS Immediately” (orange) to send orders as soon as they are placed. Otherwise, orders are sent at the pickup or delivery time minus the wait time. The wait time is set up in OrderCloud under Order Types.

  8. Select Save POS Integration Settings

Under Payments Section

  1. Turn on “Allow Tipping” (orange) if you’d like customers to be able to add a tip

  2. Under Accounting Contact Email

  3. Add an email address to send automated reports. Separate multiple email addresses with a comma. No spaces, only comma

Menu Import

  1. Click the “Location Home” tab

  2. Under Menus, click “Add”, name the menu (ex. “Main Menu”)

  3. Click “Add Menu”

  4. Select the menu you just created and click “Import from Focus”

  5. Go to the “Menu Settings” tab and select the order types for which you’d like the menu available.

A few notes about menus:

When using Price Levels in Focus, individual items are created in OrderCloud for each level. You can combine into one item using the OrderCloud size feature.

The PLU is the “ID-price level name”.

Once you notify us that the menu has been imported, our team will detail the menu to make it more customer-friendly, including adding item descriptions, re-organizing, updating “Max Allowed” and removing abbreviations.

6. Once you have completed these steps, email to let us know the ToGo integration module is installed on the merchant’s machine so we can move forward with our installation process and complete the menu.


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