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Adding Tags for 86ing Menu Items
Adding Tags for 86ing Menu Items

Tags, 86 multiple

Written by ToGo Technologies
Updated over a week ago

Tags can be added to Menu Items for ease of 86ing multiple items with same ingredients.

Set up Tags

  1. Login to OrderCloud

  2. Select Manage Stores

  3. Select the Location

  4. Select the Menu

  5. Select the Menu Item

  6. Select the Tags +Add

  7. Type in the name to set as the Tag

  8. Select Save Tag

  9. You will be asked if you want Visible to All Locations. Leave this activated to be able to use for 86ing items at the Location. Removing this will only allow to 86 at the merchant level and will 86 all items with the tag for all locations.

  10. Select Yes

  11. Select Save Menu Item

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