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Can I recycle a holiday menu to use for another holiday? (Use Thanksgiving for Christmas etc.)
Can I recycle a holiday menu to use for another holiday? (Use Thanksgiving for Christmas etc.)

holiday, holiday menu, rename menu, recycle menu

Written by Jim Spadafore
Updated over a week ago

If you have an existing Holiday Menu already and you'd like to create a similar menu for another upcoming holiday, consider recycling your Menu by simply renaming it.

To rename a Menu

Login to OrderCloud, select Manage Stores, select the Location, select your Menu.

Click in the Menu Name in the top left corner. A light gray box will appear and now you can type over the existing Menu Name.

Example: Rename Thanksgiving Menu to Christmas Menu

After you edit/rename the Menu, you can continue by adding and/or removing the items you'll be offering.

Learn more about Holiday Menus

Learn more about Removing Menu Items

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