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Promotions, Discounts
Can I remove the Promo Code entry from the checkout page?
Can I offer promo codes for a specific Order Type?
DINERWARE - Setting up a Promo/Discount
My customer used a promo code and had to cancel their order, will they be able to use the promo code again?
Can a customer use a Promo Code when they Checkout as Guest
Can I create Promo Codes to be used on a specific Menu?
If I have a ToGo built APP can Promo Codes be used on the APP?
Can I run multiple promo codes at the same time?
Can I have a Promo that is a % percent off or $ dollar amount off?
How can I hide the Promo Code field on my customer ordering page?
Can Promo Codes only be used for specific items?
Can I limit the use of a Promo Code to one time?
Can I change the end date of a Promo Code?
Can we only allow a Promo for a minimum amount spent?
This is the last day of our Promo and the code is not working, why?
How do I add/configure a Promo Code?